
"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival."

- C. S. Lewis

The Thanksgiving theme continues. Today's tarot card was again the Nine of Cups, which was appropriate, as I was still feeling quite satisfied and content. It has been a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. And as you can see, I was again wearing my Elf hat and decorating the Christmas Tree. [And those ornaments are all for sale] Today was a day of reconnection. I ran into a former colleague (from ~12 years ago) and it was great to have a chance to reconnect. Then later this evening, I ran into another former colleague and got to catch up with her, too. Plus, my mother came down for Thanksgiving and spent the last 3 days helping out at Community Green, which was fun.

And as a reminder to leave nothing unsaid, my childhood chum, Debbie, reminded me of an essay I wrote in elementary school. We were asked to write about the person we admired most and I chose Debbie. I gave that essay to Debbie once the teacher returned it. Debbie confided that if she felt down she would read it and it would give her a much needed boost as she got to see herself through someone else's eyes. Now, I don't remember what I wrote but I do remember that Debbie was a good friend and she, along with her grandparents, mom and brothers always treated me like family. They often took me on vacation with them which was the only time I got to go on vacation because my family certainly couldn't afford it. They only asked that I bring souvenir money as they covered the rest. I never forgot their generosity and always did the same whenever we invited one of Hannah's friends along on vacation. I am pleased that I gave her that essay and that she re-read it when she needed it most. I am grateful that she shared that memory with me as it made me feel really, really good. I smiled at the thought of my younger self being so kind hearted. But then again, my friends have always been extremely important to me.

So a great big thanks to Debbie for sharing the memory and much love to all my friends, who help make life worth living!


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